Come & See 2021

Cheers to 15 years!

Join us to celebrate and create a better future!

Cheers to 15 Years!

Forgotten Voices was founded to care for the orphaned and vulnerable children in southern Africa through listening and partnering with the local church in 2006. Since then, we’ve partnered with over 200 local churches to empower and care for thousands of caregivers and orphaned children.

God is on the move and it is worth celebrating!

On Saturday, November 13th, we’ll share a meal together, celebrate what we’ve accomplished together, and invite you to create a better future for orphaned and vulnerable children by making a gift. You’ll have the opportunity to give hope, healing, and joy to orphaned children and vulnerable families!

Join us for a celebration of God’s faithfulness and generosity!


Event Details

This year, we have two options for you: in-person or live stream! 


When: 11/13, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Where: Barn at Creek’s Bend, Carlisle, PA

Price: $50


When: 11/13, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Where: Livestream Event 

Price: Free, suggested gift of $50

What’s happening during the event?

Fellowship together with an evening of delicious food, drinks, and the goodness of God!

Create a future where every child knows the love of God and security of a family by giving

 Will you join us and create a better future for children?

All Gifts Made Will Be Matched

Double your impact!

During this special night, you can create a future where every child knows the love of God and the security of a family, church, and community – for twice as many kids when you make a gift

In the coming months, we have plans to reach 1,500 orphaned and vulnerable children and their caregivers. To do that, we have a goal to raise $150,000 before the end of 2021. Will you join us in giving hope and joy to these children and caregivers?

Rather give through the mail? Sure thing! Just send it to 1215 Gettysburg Pike, PA 17019.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any COVID-19 protocols in place for this event?
Yes, we will be limiting the event to a certain number of guests to allow ample distance between tables and encourage social distancing and mask-wearing, where appropriate.
Why do I have to buy tickets for the in-person event or suggest a donation?
When you purchase a ticket or make a suggested donation, you’re investing in creating a future where every child knows the love of God and the security of a family, church, and community. Through events like these, Forgotten Voices is able to share its mission with more people and invite people to join through giving.
Do you accept non-cash gifts like stocks?
Absolutely! Please reach out to and he’ll be happy to assist you.
What is the dress code for this event?
Business casual
Will the livestream event be any different from the in-person event?
Somewhat! Livestream guests will receive an event experience packet in the next few weeks showing different southern African recipes, activities for kids, and other ways to get involved during the event. 


How long is the event?
Our in-person event will be 2 hours long, starting at 6:00 PM and ending at 8:00 PM. Our online event will begin at 7:00 PM and end at 8:00 PM. 
I’m a business owner. Are there any sponsorship opportunities available?

Yes! Check out our sponsorship package here and contact with any questions!