A Brighter Future: Mary’s Story
Mary’s life took a heartbreaking turn when she was left orphaned and vulnerable at just eight years old. But by God’s grace, Mary found solace in the caring hands and home of her aunt, Janet, and support from Agape Life Church in Malawi.
A Church’s Response to Crisis
In 2023, Malawi was struck by a tropical cyclone that destroyed homes, displaced thousands of people and compounded the vulnerabilities of orphaned children, families, and communities. Janet’s business was crippled, which left her unable to meet Mary’s basic needs. However, the challenges this young family faced did not go unnoticed.
Mary and Janet’s local church identified their situation and took immediate action. They leveraged training and resources through their partnership with Forgotten Voices to care for Mary and empower Janet to provide for her family with hope for a brighter future.
First, Education
Recognizing the urgency of Mary’s educational needs, Agape Life Church stepped in to cover her school fees and provided necessary supplies, textbooks, and a new uniform. This ensured that Mary could continue her education without added financial strain on Janet. Able to go back to school, Mary felt confident, sharing,
“I am happy to have a school uniform just like my friends at school. I felt bad to be the only one without a uniform in my class. I will work hard to succeed in my studies.”
Today, Mary dreams of becoming a nurse! Please be praying for Mary as she gets an education and pursues her dreams!
Becoming Self-Supporting
Understanding the importance of sustainability, Janet’s local church provided her with an income-generating grant. This grant enabled Janet to rebuild her business, promising a stable and sustainable source of income for their household. With the profits from her business, Janet is now better able to meet Mary’s spiritual, emotional, and physical needs.
With heartfelt gratitude, Janet expressed:
“I am thankful to God for the help we have received. There were times I regretted the decision to take care of Mary because I did not have adequate resources. I felt like a failure. This support from the church has come with God’s perfect timing. Mary’s school supplies have been provided for, and my business is back on track! May the Lord bless the church and Forgotten Voices for this support.”

Janet and Mary.
From Our Team in Malawi
The Forgotten Voices’ team has been moved by Mary and Janet’s story, with our staff team in Malawi sharing,
“Mary’s story is a testament to the transformative power of the Church. It not only restored hope but also paved the way for a brighter future. Mary and Janet’s story reminds us all that hope is never lost when the Church responds to uplift those in need.”
Friends, we are thankful for your prayers and support as we engage the local church to respond to God’s call to care for orphaned and vulnerable children. As evidenced by Janet and Mary’s story, your participation in our mission has a lasting impact.